Xerox is an American corporation, one of the world leaders in the field of printing and document management technologies, a pioneer in the mass production of copiers. The company is headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, but the majority of its employees remain in Rochester, New York, where the company was founded in 1906. The original name of the company was Haloid Company, and it was engaged in the production of photographic paper. İn 1958 the company was renamed Haloid Xerox, and in 1961 - Xerox Corporation. In 1947, she acquired the patent for a copier invented by Chester Carlson. Copying documents was called Xerography or photocopying - an expression well-established in the Russian language (from the ancient Greek ξηρός “dry” and γράφω “I write”), and Carlson suggested calling the device itself xerox (zirox). The first copier, the Model A, was released in 1949. In 1959, the first automatic office copier, the Xerox 914, was released, which made it possible to copy documents onto plain paper. The device was so popular that the company's profits were about $60 million in 1961, and more than $500 million by the end of 1965.
In 2004, Xerox adopted a new corporate logo, XEROX®, replacing the "The Document Company - Xerox" logo and the "digital" X logo, a marketing mark adopted in 1994. On January 8, 2008, the company changed its graphic logo for the first time in 40 years, which featured a red ball with a lowercase X. And in 2019, the company simplified the logo, maintaining the style and color palette of the 2008 version, but removed the sphere. The inscription of red lowercase letters on a white background looks modern and impressive. It symbolizes the company's transition to new technological standards and emphasizes that Xerox's mission is no longer limited to the supply of equipment. Now he is also an expert in creating information technologies. Currently, the ™ symbol has been added to the top right of the logo.
The majority of the company's revenue comes from selling copiers, scanners, printers and multifunction devices for the home and office. Mostly laser devices are presented, but there are also printers with piezoelectric inkjet printing. They differ in printing color (there are monochrome and color), speed (up to and from 30 pages per minute for monochrome MFPs) and technology. Thus, among the entire variety of Xerox printing equipment, there are even LED printers.
Currently, the company's annual turnover is about 20 billion US dollars, its staff consists of 130 thousand employees, and representative offices are located in 160 countries around the world.